Treeworker Josse is a tree care company with more than 10 years of experience in pruning and felling trees in hard-to-reach places.
Treeworker Josse is specialized in:
Pruning trees
Felling of trees
Stump grinding
Tree Safety - VTA (Visual Tree Assessment)
Tree cabling & bracing
Improvement of growing space
Planting trees
Call us on the number 0484 41 87 87 or mail us for a free, no-obligation quote. If you wish to carry out certain works yourself, we will certainly take this into account. We are thinking here of the processing of prunings - sawing, splitting and/or stacking firewood - etc.
We try to leave as much prunings as possible with the customer: in our opinion this is the most ecological and economical solution:
You can use the wood chips as mulch layer
The larger wood can be used or offered to you or friends/colleagues/neighbours/2dehands.be
Treeworker Josse is insured against any physical and/or material damage (Civil Liability). We always use environmentally friendly fuel and oil.
Treeworker Josse is led by Joost Dekelver, an industrial engineer by training. Our professional advice and the execution techniques used are the result of experience and constant training including:
Training Tree Worker (Inverde)
Industrial rope techniques (Condor Safety)
Visual Tree Assessment (Inverde)
Tree cabling & bracing (Condor Safety)
Tree manager (Vives)
Forest Management (Inverde)
Treeworker Josse is a tree care company with more than 10 years of experience in pruning and felling trees in hard-to-reach places.
Treeworker Josse is specialized in:
Pruning trees
Felling of trees
Stump grinding
Tree Safety - VTA (Visual Tree Assessment)
Tree cabling & bracing
Improvement of growing space
Planting trees
Call us on the number 0484 41 87 87 or mail us for a free, no-obligation quote. If you wish to carry out certain works yourself, we will certainly take this into account. We are thinking here of the processing of prunings - sawing, splitting and/or stacking firewood - etc.
We try to leave as much prunings as possible with the customer: in our opinion this is the most ecological and economical solution:
You can use the wood chips as mulch layer
The larger wood can be used or offered to you or friends/colleagues/neighbours/2dehands.be
Treeworker Josse is insured against any physical and/or material damage (Civil Liability). We always use environmentally friendly fuel and oil.
Treeworker Josse is led by Joost Dekelver, an industrial engineer by training. Our professional advice and the execution techniques used are the result of experience and constant training including:
Training Tree Worker (Inverde)
Industrial rope techniques (Condor Safety)
Visual Tree Assessment (Inverde)
Tree cabling & bracing (Condor Safety)
Tree manager (Vives)
Forest Management (Inverde)